April 28, 2012

Reaugh Family Portraits: Davis Family Photographer

Trains.  Pancakes.  Watering the Garden.  These are a few of Seamus' favorite things at the ripe age of 2.  I can't believe he's already 2!  It seems like not that long ago, this little man was being carried around in his car seat to our very first family photo session together in 2010, he was only 8 months at the time.  And at his 1 year old birthday session, he was such a busy little guy already!  So curious and so, SO stinkin' cute.  And he was a little flirt with the camera!  And then this last fall at our family portrait session, the hair on his head had tripled... and his curls?! Oh, those cute little curls.  Now here he is...2 years old and I am again excited to see how he's grown and changed since our last session.  I am so lucky to have the chance to really get to know this family; they really have become  friends. 

We planned to have Seamus' 2 year pictures document his lifestyle.  So during our pre-shoot brainstorming process, his mommy sent me a list of bunch of activities he's really into right now (along with a recipe for hummus!! Love her!  See--we really have gotten to know each other!).  Keeping in mind his age, I knew it was critical to let Seamus be my guide as to what we would do, and when we would do it, in order to keep him busy and happy!  Documenting a child in their element, when they are "into" what they are doing and just enjoying the moment is such a real, simple, beautiful thing.  And in those moments that Seamus was just being himself, enjoying his toys and curiously exploring his world, I saw such a unique and beautiful little soul....

After enjoying playtime at their home, we ventured over to the UC Davis Arboretum to get a few shots before the sunset.  Such a beautiful place!  Such a beautiful family.

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