November 20, 2011

Portland, OR: Vintage Wedding at Pearson Air Museum

I did it. I booked the plane tickets to Portland without knowing exactly what we were going to do or where I was going to stay. But I trusted her. After all, she is a fabulous and successful photographer who I have become friends with over this recent year.  I said yes. And it was thrilling just to make the commitment to something so spontaneous like that. 

When Tori told me she was planning a vintage-inspired wedding workshop, describing all the details she was envisioning, I was quite impressed. My eyes were wide open listening to her on the phone as she described her brilliant ideas for this stylized shoot, down to the last orange button, as though it was a vivid technicolor dream. And shooting in Portland, Oregon, in an airplane-hanger, with vintage planes and a real life Ken and Barbie? I mean come on! How imaginative and grand is that?! I was sold. Sign me up.

And so I went. I flew to Portland. And I’m so, so glad that I did.

Our sweet, darling models, Lauren and Adam, are already married and living their lives together. Yes, they had a couple pictures from their real wedding day....but due to unfortunate circumstances, they didn’t get many memories captured on "film". Fortunately for them, however, this day they had almost a dozen, enthused and passionate photographers eager to create images for them. This adorable couple was so grateful to have another chance at getting some photographs of them all dressed up in wedding attire, enjoying each other’s nervous and playful smiles, flirting, looking just incredibly in love. Thanks, you two, for being so wonderful. 


Stay tuned for more from this amazing day!

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