February 18, 2011

S*'s1 year old portraits!

Finally, he's a year old!  I have been waiting see this cute little man again, since his family portrait session last year.  His mom is such a sweetheart so I was thrilled when she scheduled his 1 year birthday session a few months ago.  It was so nice to see your family again!

 S* has such a huge, welcoming smile and he is such a cuddle bug!  The weather was so crazy we had to stay inside, but it was kind of funny watching mom and dad chase him around their house, trying to help keep this energetic, busy boy into one space long enough to get a shot while we had some light.  He just had to keep moving!  I know it was asking a lot from a one year old, but he did fantastic!  I'm super excited to share a few shots here....Enjoy!

And then it was cupcake time!
Thanks to Nugget Market for making such cute little boutique-style cupcakes!

And that cat just had to be curious.

Mmmmmmm.  :)

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