They asked if we could try to get some shots with their little dog, Coffee?? They were so worried that she wouldn't be still long enough to get her attention for a shot because of the much larger, stray dog that was pacing around us in the street, practically circling around poor Coffee like a vulture. That and the gigantic cars that went zooming by were enough to make her whole body tremble. Eventually, we found a nice narrow walkway between two buildings that I thought would lessen the overwhelming stimulus around her. That did just the trick! Here are a couple of my favorites...
Michelle and Mat are like Yin and Yang. Their personalities are so complimentary to each other that they fit together like a puzzle. Michelle is super organized and knows what she wants. Mat is the "take-it-as-it-comes" kind of guy who loves music. If she gets stressed about dotting all the "i"'s and crossing all the "t"'s, he's like aromatherapy -- he mellows her out. If he's not sure about something, like "jacket or no jacket", she'll help him decide what he really wants--and it's probably no jacket!!! It's such a wonderful thing that they appreciate each other's differences, because they truly make each other stronger when they're together.
When Michelle asked what I thought about shooting their portraits in Nevada City, I was so excited! For I knew that there would be some really great opportunities for us to have a little fun in the streets...and while only I was the one actually in the street, even laying down in the street at times, I was right and it was fun!
Soooooo "in the moment"....ahhhhh
We had a great time finding all sorts of sidewalks to sit on, nooks and cranies to squeeze into, stairs to climb...
Work it guys!
Then we found what Mat called the "Zelda door"....and I thought "Yes! Let's work it!"
And they worked it out!
She has such a beautiful and glowing smile!
Mat must have been telling a joke...
I'm glad we decided to check out this bridge.
However, when I stood up on the railing to get these shots, there were these two gigantic dogs barking at me from directly below, just waiting for me to loose my balance, which was quite intimidating, but I really wanted to get this angle!!!
Love this one...
Awww...such flirts!
You guys rocked this shoot and I am so excited to do the wedding photographs in May!!!
Check back here later this year to see their wedding day photographs!!!
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